Peace Pole Language Plates
Price: $25.00 Per Language Plate
Join the Peace Pole Network!
The usual production time is within 2 weeks from date of order.
All plates have an adhesive backing and eighteen pre-drilled holes to accept a small nail or screw.
Appoximate Size: 31 & 1/2" x 3 & 5/16"
Note: Eighteen all-weather spiral shank brads are included for mounting.
The usual production time is within 2 weeks from date of order.
It's not a Peace Pole if it doesn't say May Peace Prevail On Earth!
The message, May Peace Prevail On Earth, is permitted for use by individuals and organizations who support us in our peace work. However, the use of our language decals for resale or the use of our language decals to craft Peace Poles for resale, commerce, or profit is not permitted without the permission of The World Peace Prayer Society.

Product Options
Available Plate Languages: |
Add a brass Braille plate reading May Peace Prevail On Earth to your Peace Pole.
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